Dark and dystopian. Words that combine musical reflection on cosmos and experiences from growing up in the wretched concrete suburbs. The music is an assemblage of life moments and fragments of the doom we create within ourselves. Subcosmos (2019) is the final album of the band’s ‘cosmic trilogy’ a musical journey from teenage-misanthropy tomature, post-rock/metal reflection on estrangement and suppression. On their new album ‘V: Bones of the Extinct’ (out March 2023) LNV deals with the matter of human kind and it’s never ending self-destructive path.
Mørk og dystopisk. Ord, der sammenfletter musikalske kosmos-tanker og erfaringer fra en opvækst i en forfejlet betonforstad. Musikken er en assemblage af personlige livsmomenter og fragmenter af den undergang, vi skaber i os selv. Albummet Subcosmos(2019) fuldendte orkestrets ‘kosmiske trilogi’, En musikalsk rejse fra teenage-misantropi til moden, post-metal/rocket refleksion over fremmedgørelse og undertrykkelse. PÃ¥ det nye album. ‘V: Bones of the Extinct’ (marts 2023) tager LNV menneskeracen og dens selvdestruktive natur under behandling
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